Including a List of Recent git Commits in a Hugo page
February 28, 2017When redesigning my website recently, I realized I needed some meat on my homepage. Ideally, instead of a blank space, I could show off stuff I’m working on without having to maintain my show-off list by hand. Two ideas came to mind: recent blog posts and recent git commits.
Since I already stored my blog posts in the static site generator Hugo, adding them to the homepage took me only a few minutes. But since Hugo provides no way of interfacing with git repositories, adding my git commits was much more challenging and, of course, much more fun.
On a high level, my solution works like the following:
- A script runs, which scans my git repositories for recent commits and generates Hugo content files for them.
- Then I run Hugo, and my Hugo templates can access the commits
- Whenever I push to one of my git repositories, rebuild the site. (This currently takes less than a tenth of a second.)
Edit (October 2022): I removed recent commits and blog posts from the front page of my website because in my new career (grad school), it makes more sense to prioritize my “about” page over my blog or commits. If you want to see what the finished product of this post looked like, you can try the Internet Archive.
Part 1: The Script
Named after the station inspector played by Sacha Baron Cohen in Hugo (for a weak attempt at humor), gustave is about 400 lines of C (for speed) which uses libgit2 (for convenience).
Because I use cgit for hosting my git repositories, gustave reads
the list of repository paths to check from /etc/cgitrc
ignoring those with repo.hide=1
. With the git repositories to check
down, there’s one thing left for the script to do:
Finding Recent Commits in a git Repository
Unlike in version control systems like Subversion which have a linear revision history, git commits form a a directed acyclic graph by pointing to their parents. Consequently, to find the most recent N git commits, you can’t simply walk backwards from the most recent one. Instead, you have to traverse the graph starting from the commit to which the target branch points.
The following diagram shows a real example from the repository where this blog is stored. Notice the commit cf7a0d083c has two parents!
My first idea for traversal was brute force; that is, looking at every dang commit in the repository and then sorting them by date. However, for gigantic repositories like the Linux kernel, this approach searches much more of the commit graph than necessary.
To inspect as little of the graph as possible while still finding recent commits, I settled on a breadth-first search which stops after examining 32 commits. This allows for examining as much of the graph as possible nearby the starting commit without going too deep into old stuff.
I then combine each set of 32 commits from each repository into one big array, and sort the whole array by date, writing the latest 8 as Hugo content.
Part 2: Reading the Commits in a Hugo Template
Gustave writes content files that look like the following
type = "commit"
date = "2017-03-05T00:15:07-00:00"
draft = false
hash = "c01b6580a07b138f0f22b130a101b1582cecd72f"
summary = "style.css: Center images in posts"
repo = "webzone"
So in a template, you can write something like (copy-paste incoming):
{{ range first 8 (where .Site.Pages "Section" "=" "commit") }}
<div class="recent-git-meta">
<a href="{{ .Params.repo }}/">{{ .Params.repo }}</a>
<span class="recent-date">{{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02" }}:</span>
<a class="recent-git-summary" href="{{ .Params.repo }}/commit/?id={{ .Params.hash }}">{{ .Params.summary }}</a>
{{ end }}
Just like with any other type of content in Hugo!
Part 3: Regenerating the Site after a Push
I already wrote a post about regenerating Hugo sites with git hooks, so I only needed to make some small changes to my post-receive hook to make it work when called from any repository.
set -e
# Change to the repository with the site to rebuild
pushd "$siterepo"
worktree="$(mktemp -d)"
destdir="$desttmp/$(git rev-parse HEAD)"
# Important change from the old script: Don't assume this generation
# has a different commit in the webzone repo than the last — this
# push is not necessarily an update to the webzone repo!
destdir="$(mktemp -p "$desttmp" -d "$(git rev-parse HEAD).XXXXXXXXXX")"
olddestdir="$(readlink -e "$destlink" || true)"
# Create a temporary working tree and delete it
# after building the site
GIT_WORK_TREE="$worktree" git checkout -f
pushd "$worktree"
# Run gustave to generate commit content files
mkdir content/commit
hugo --destination="$destdir"
rm -rvf "$worktree"
# Point to the new version of the site (atomically!)
# and delete the old version of the site
ln -svnrf "$destdir" "$destlinktmp"
# Use rename(2), which is atomic
mv -Tv "$destlinktmp" "$destlink"
rm -rvf "$olddestdir"
Then I simply added this as a post-receive hook to all the git
repositories that I wanted to update my homepage upon receving a push.
(In truth, to make the situation less messy, I made it a binary in
called by the post-receive hook in every repository.)